Dual authorisation
We do get asked about dual/second/2 tier authorisation levels. Where absences get approved by 2 (or more) members of staff.
It's not something available on Timetastic sorry, but let us explain why.
In many respects dual authorisation can be attributed to the situation of imperfect knowledge. A product of the traditional paper based system where you don't have all the information to hand. You are presented with a request form, but you don't know who else is off or what other requests are hanging around the office with other managers, so a second set of eyes are important.
But with Timetastic you have perfect knowledge when making your decision. All bookings and requests are there in full view on the Wallchart. Plus, you have automated controls such as not being able to exceed your annual allowance, you can set a maximum number of people off at one time at a department level, you can lock periods where you specifically want people in.
So if you implement those controls then we hope a second level of authorisation isn't necessary any more - another time saving.
It might well be that the two tier approval system you currently employ could be a significant saving.
Apologies if that doesn't suit your situation though, no doubt there will be unique exceptions.