Timetastic iCal feed into Office 365
If you want to sync Timetastic bookings into your Office 365 calendar, just follow these steps:
Head to 'My Calendar' and click 'Calendar Integrations'.
We are looking at the lower section 'Calendar subscriptions'.
Click ‘Copy URL’ for the feed you wish to subscribe to, to copy the link to your clipboard.
Go into your calendar in Office 365. Then, select 'Add calendar>From the Internet' from the menu option at the top:
In the 'Link to the calendar' field, paste your URL link, then click 'Save'.
That's it! All of your Timetastic holidays should now be showing in your Office 365 Calendar.
Leave types
By default, your Timetastic bookings will show as 'Busy' in your Outlook calendar. Leave types can be edited to show as 'Available' if preferred. Here's our guide on how administrators can update the setting within Timetastic: Setting different types of leave
Once set up, we report iCal feed hits so you know when your calendar app last checked in and as a result, whether it's up to date.
In your calendar feeds page you'll see the latest fetch time when hovering on the clock (and if we can identify it, the service that checked in).
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